Your balanced, vital, peaceful way of life is in your hands.

Integrative Energy Healing & Holistic Consultations

Carolyn is a Traditional Herbalist with a multidimensional approach towards health. She received her Reiki training under Winifred Tannetta-Costello and a Certificate in Therapeutic Sound Healing through the Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies in Chester, VT.  She holds both a Bachelors in Music Education and Masters in Music Theory from UMass Amherst, and has taught violin and songwriting privately in the Pioneer Valley since 2001. Carolyn blends the traditional Reiki session with Sound Healing practices using voice, singing bowls, frame drum, chimes, and gong. She’s currently an apprentice at Blazing Star Herbal School In Conway, MA, and loves working with her plant allies in the garden and kitchen, making teas, salves, and herbal preparations for friends and family. 

Reiki & Sound Healing

The studio at Cranberry Hill is located in the Echo Hill neighborhood on Cranberry Lane in Amherst, MA.

Experience a blend of traditional Usui Reiki with Song Casting chant, the gentle yet powerful vibrations of singing bowls and the reverberation of the gong. You are assured a relaxing, meditative, and balancing session, tailored to your situation. Before or after your session you are invited to ground yourself in the Meditation Garden, greet the koi fish in the pond, and listen to the waterfall and bamboo chimes.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed medical practitioner. I do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe for illness or disease. I am a facilitator and a space-creator for you to do your own healing work, offering friendly suggestions along the way. Talk to your doctor for concerns.

Lap harp, gong, and singing bowls on a wooden bench


Reiki & Sound Healing

A unique blending of Sound Healing within the framework of a Reiki energy healing session, Carolyn uses her voice in harmony with singing bowls, chimes, European pegged frame drum, and more to help induce a meditative state for deep relaxation and renewal.

60 mins | $75 | Book now

Classes and Workshops

Carolyn offers a variety of classes and workshops including:

Reiki Training Levels 1, 2, and Master Level

Sound Healing Workshops

Spiritual Herbalism, Herbal Medicine Making, and more.

Fees are listed in Class and Workshop descriptions | View Offerings

Holistic Living Consultations

Meet with Carolyn in-person or online for holistic living strategies and herbal protocols to help you take control of your own health and wellbeing.

60 mins | $100 | Book now

6 Week Holistic Living Plan

Sometimes we need a guide to help us navigate a new journey. Carolyn can help you plan your journey to a new sense of wholeness by creating an herbal protocol, giving lifestyle suggestions, and providing 6 sessions of Reiki & Sound Healing over your 6 week program. For more information click here.

6 weeks | $545 Book now

Cranberries and greenery encircling letters C H

Contact Carolyn today.